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PCS Swimmer Named to 2011 BC Prospects West Team

PCS swimmer Lauren McMillan is one of eight 14-year-old girls from across the province to have been selected to represent the province at this year’s Prospects West training camp and Tri-meet. Lauren will be one of thirty-two 13 and 14 year-old Team BC swimmers joining with teams from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. PCS swimmer Ryan Howe was also selected as a 14yr old for the team, but has turned the trip down to focus on his studies after a busy and successful short course season.

This year the camp will run from April 14-17, 2011 at the University of Lethbridge and will be led by Calgary’s Cascade Swim Club Head Coach Dave Johnson. The camp will focus on stroke reliability. There will be sports science support and information provided in the areas of bio-mechanics, psychology, physiology and dryland.

Congratulations Lauren, Ryan and Coach Rod Barratt!
