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Results From Day 3 in Montreal

Here is the update from Coach Rod:
The third day of competition in Montreal was very strong for the UVPCS squad.  While most athletes improved on their previous bests there were numerous stand out swims.
The 100 BR for the girls saw Hanna Carter, Alexandra Kiestead and Lauren McMillan advance to the final.  Lauren held her 9th spot with a very strong finish.  Hanna raced hard to finish 10th in spite of running a fever all afternoon.  And Alexandra moved up a spot to fifth with a personal best.
In the 200 FL, Rachael Newman improved on her 8th place start in finals to snatch the bronze improving on her previous best time from Senior Nationals last week. Jon McKay showed tremendous effort across the day. After slicing over 3 seconds off his personal best in heats to earn a 7th spot in finals, he completed his first 100 in his best ever and continued to surge home to finish 5th lopping an additional 3 seconds off his morning swim.
Congratulations to all on the day! Two more full days to the 5km early on Monday morning.